About Us

‘After my second child, I decided to freelance instead of returning to my previous job as a book editor. 

I’ve never regretted it, but working from home while also looking after little people brought its own challenges: no additional childcare when the inevitable spikes in work came; getting frustrated with my children when I tried to get work done on ‘their days’; burning the midnight oil because the kids hadn’t taken their daytime nap…or because I had succumbed to sleep deprivation and napped with them.

One day, a mum online mused: “I just wish I could go to a cafe, open my laptop and get some work done alongside others doing the same, and we could look out the window to see our children being looked after by a proper carer. Wouldn’t that be lovely?”

This was the kernel of the idea for Happy Hubbub.’

– Erin Richards

Erin Richards


A communications professional who once ran her business from home, in cafes, and out of a work hub, Happy Hubbub is Erin’s brainchild. Erin champions the value and virtues of part-time workers and business operators, and invites companies to work with Happy Hubbub to develop 'ramp-up' solutions for employees returning to work from parental leave.

Team Hubbub

Hubbub Childcare

Hubbub's childcare facility is a run by a small but diverse and passionate team of educators.

Best Start. Best Life.