Amazing Office Deal

Your own private office when you enrol your child in Hubbub childcare.

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Kinder Open Evening

Kinder Open Evening, Tuesday 25 February, 6–8pm. Meet key staff, tour the facilities and learn about our programs and philosophy.

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Coworking convenience

Working from home is more common than ever, but sometimes it's good to get of the house. Meet clients, study or work on your laptop using our internet and utilities, not yours!

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Happy Hubbub is a unique childcare service, with free on-site coworking facilities for parents/carers in Melbourne’s north.

The coworking space offers hotdesking with internet and printing/scanning facilities, bookable meeting rooms and private offices, and a shared kitchen with tea/coffee facilities.

The childcare is a boutique long day care facility with 34 spaces per day, approved for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) and Free Kinder funding. With long-day and half-day options, and kindergarten program for 3- and 4-year-olds, the Hubbub allows parents to work with their children close by, being looked after by qualified early childhood professionals.


Best Start. Best Life.